Wednesday, March 25, 2020

a full week in

Here we are again. A full week, and a day, into being home. My kids have been nowhere except home with me and their Dad's house. I have been to the story twice maybe. I feel pretty comfortable with my pantry and fridge supply. Numbers of positive cases are rising astronomically. To be expected considering the number of tests being completed. Our immediate area is increasing, though at a slower rate than I anticipated, but I also think as a tri-county region, we are testing far fewer.

In other news - we're getting lots of cousin-time! My two nephews get to hangout here during the day; both parents work in the health field and are deemed essential. I understand the ramifications of introducing new people into our "safe space", but parents need to work and kids need supervision; and I know that someone would do it for us if needed. I'm very grateful to have my job and the promise of a full paycheck through this new and challenging time. Not everyone is as lucky. So I do what I can to help. I'm not going to sew masks, but I'll watch these boys.

I am making progress with my technical skills and getting work for my students online. And I am pleased to say that I have had 50% of my kids engage at least once in the past week!!!! 
Little victories.

That's all for now - stay home and stay healthy!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

A Temporary New Normal

Day 3. I'm not sure how to start counting day: when I knew my school was shut down, when I knew my kids' school was shut down? I think I'll keep up with Day 1 being the first day we were all home due to closures and #socialdistancing. So - yes, Day 3.

The kids so far have been pretty easy-going. We haven't begun our "schedule" yet; that'll start Monday when kids begin getting regularly scheduled assignments from their schools. There has been plenty of outdoor play, cleaning, laundry, and art projects. And they've been great about getting off electronics when asked.

In regards to the state of things (remember - I'm also doing this for my own documentation - I know we can all read the news, but I'm writing for my future self as well), we are now under the directive that 75% of non-essential employees work from home. Our governor has promised that mortgage payments can be postponed 90 days, based on financial need, late fees will not apply, and it will not impact credit scores. Positive test results are skyrocketing; I believe that the numbers are far larger than the tests indicate. I'm almost thinking that we should all just assume we have been exposed.

I think tomorrow I'll update "What I'm reading" and do a massive "What I've read"!

Stay safe and healthy, keep your distance, and check in with friends and family - digitally of course!! :-)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Brave New World

*deep breath*
There are SO many things to talk about. I'm having a hard time deciding where to start. I'm leaning towards our household plan for the time being.

We are on Day 2 of this new concept of "social distancing". So far, it's not too bad. We haven't jumped into school work yet. (I have - I use google classroom and have been reaching out to my students daily and today gave them their first "assignment"; all I asked them to do was check in, let me know they're present and following along.) My kids will get on schedule starting Monday.

We needed to create a plan because of the age range in the house. the 14 yo has high school courses and is my over-committed academic. My 11yo is more lackadaisical...she needs a plan because school isn't that important to her and she'd let everything slide if she was allowed. And the the 7yo...I mean 2nd grade is important, but I feel he needs maintenance of skills not necessarily "2nd grade curriculum". BUT - he needs to be occupied and not a distraction while the other two work. So a plan is required.

This is what we came up with:

We'll see how long this lasts.

I cannot help but spend a few moments to address the situation we find ourselves in with the corona virus. I've never been terribly political, but as this crisis has ramped up, I am paying much more attention to our Governor and am finding myself impressed.

Yesterday, I shared an article of several Italians who created a video of their experiences and misconceptions only 10 days ago. We do need to act based on the experiences of those who came before us - even though it's only 10 days before us!!! It's pretty clear how this virus will impact our population by looking at data collected, worldwide, over the past 6 weeks.

Stay healthy and well - be kind, don't forget to check in on each other and take this time to notice the little things.

Friday, May 17, 2013


wow! it's been a while...

I've been thinking of getting back into this blog-thing and so I've had some ideas have kickin' around. One of which is children's sleep. 

Those of you who know our parenting, know how important our children's sleep is to us.  Since Katie was born, my priority has been to be sure my children get adequate sleep.   I'm not sure why, but it's just one of things that I've been pretty adamant about. There have been times when we've had to bow out of events or leave early or drive separately so one of us could take the sleepy child home when appropriate. But I wouldn't change our stance.

It's a rather awkward subject sometimes.  Being a popular topic among parents, "sleep" comes up often.  I am not the one to bring it up either, but it arises and I feel like I'm guilty of something fraudulent when I acknowledge that my children sleep through the night by 6 weeks of age. Through the night is 6-8 hours.  And that 8pm is entirely too late for the 7 yr old.  Besides when dealing with illness, my children sleep 10 - usually 12 hours a night. 

You know how there's these completely random bits of advice that you hear and somehow retain? For example, when I was in the 10th grade, I had a friend who was a senior and drove, I don't recall that he ever let me drive, but he gave me a piece of advice that I'll never forget. I don't necessarily follow it to a T, but I remember. Another - I can clearly recall my sister telling me "Sleep begets sleep."  So true!!! 

Children who get adequate sleep are frequently better behaved, in my opinion. (As I tell my kids in school: "I know it's your opinion, you're writing it!!") Anyways, observation has taught me this - and my own experience with my children when they don't get good sleep...the bad behavior and attitude and defiance all really strike! (It's either lack of sleep or lack of food which usually create bad behaviors in our house!)

I guess this is stems from last night.  I can hardly say that - it was yesterday afternoon actually...Sean went to bed, for the night, at 4:05 yesterday afternoon!!!  Slept through the night.  Matt woke him up at 6:30AM. Seriously.

I don't know....I just have heard of people who don't want their kids to go to bed at a timely hour because they want to spend time together, because they had a late meeting, whatever the reason - they decide to keep their child awake past a bedtime that's reasonable.  My preference is that my kids go to bed when they need to.

What's your stance on sleep?
(next post - what would you do if your child didn't get off the bus?)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer pictures

1 - big sis doing her job
2 - the 4th in Ridgewood
3 - cooling off in a torrential summer rain
4 - Maggie in the pack-n-play at Canandaigua
5 - Katie's first bike and first bike-ride